LOAR is a repository service offered to researchers and staff at Danish Universities. Here you can upload your research data for long term preservation.

You are only allowed to upload your own research data or research data from rights holders who have given you the permission to do so. It is a prerequisite that you or the rights holders, on behalf of whom you are uploading, have the full copyright for the entire research data. It is a prerequisite and your responsibility that the research data does not infringe on any third party's rights, legislative requirements, agreements that you have made with others, any kind of rules for data protection and privacy or any other conditions. It is your sole responsibility to be able to prove this and you have the full responsibility. If anybody claims that you have infringed their rights by uploading research data to the repository you guarantee by accepting the terms of condition that the Royal Danish Library (KB) has no responsibility and that you will bear the full economic responsibility and indemnify KB for any direct and indirect losses.

You can get the research data removed from LOAR on demand at any time. However, this does not apply to the metadata you upload about the research data or your summary, which freely may be published on this or similar platforms for at least 5 years. KB would like to point out, that your responsibility for the research data you have uploaded continues according to this license even though you choose to remove data.

In order to upload research data to LOAR, you must accept free, public access (Open Access) to your research data. If you want to permit other users to reuse your research data, you can apply an appropriate creative commons license (CC license) of your own choice.  Read more about Creative Commons here: http://creativecommons.dk/.
In order to upload you have to agree and accept, that your metadata will be freely accessible to harvesting, so that anyone can use the metadata without any kind of limitations or copyright.

You agree that KB can store the necessary personal information about you as part of the service. This includes your name, your e-mail address and information’s about your relationship to the institution and information about your data.
You agree that KB can show your e-mail and name in public regarding research data with no CC license in order to make it possible to contact you for more information about the possibilities to obtain permission to copy and use research data with no CC license.
You agree that KB may convert the data submission to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation.
You agree that KB may keep more than one copy of this data submission for purposes of security, back up and preservation.

As part of the task of making LOAR available and maintaining it technically, KB will ensure distribution of metadata in order to make data findable (see FAIR principles1, https://www.force11.org/group/fairgroup/fairprinciples).
KB makes LOAR available and maintains it technically. However, this is a noncommercial service with no economic profit. For that reason, KB accepts no responsibility, direct or indirect, in relation to the uploaded research data or the way in which users use the research data.
If doubts arise about the research data’s infringement on others rights or violation of legislation, KB reserves the right to remove research data from LOAR without notice and without responsibility for any kinds of loss, direct or indirect. This also applies in case of other necessary reasons.
Might it become necessary to remove a file that you have uploaded to LOAR, KB will aim to inform you via the email or alternative address you used when setting up your user profile.
If necessary for technical reasons, KB reserves the right to move the content to another similar repository, or to entirely close the repository. If your research data is removed, your DOI will remain unchanged. If the repository is to be closed, this will be announced on LOAR with at least six months' notice. KB will aim to contact you via the email or alternative address you used when setting up your user profile, such that you will be able to make new arrangements for your data.
KB reserves the right to change the conditions for use at a later stage. You are obliged to keep updated about applicable conditions for LOAR or any changes to the conditions in force at any given time, as shown in the menu.
Should any conflict arise as a result of the use of LOAR, Danish law shall apply.