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Aalborg Universitet AAU - Knowledge for the worldAarhus University a leading public research university with international reach covering the entire research spectrumNational Museum of Denmark - a collection of museums all over the countryRoyal Danish Library The Royal Danish Library with museum of books, research, databases, collections and exhibitions.
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Spilregistrant: Registry of Danish Games
(2024-12-18) Christophersen, Allan; Moesgaard, Jakob; Kelleher, Ashley; Royal Danish Library
A comprehensive registry of video games made in Denmark, published in Danish, or otherwise containing significant cultural relevance to Denmark since 1963. Currently at over 10 000 titles and release versions.
Another public, curated version of this dataset is currently available via the Danish Film Institute: https://www.dfi.dk/spildatabasen
This dataset is a work in progress and the subject of ongoing edits and maintenance by the Royal Danish Library. If you see something that should be changed, added, or edited in the list, please write to us at: spil@kb.dk
Et omfattende register over computerspil, der er lavet i Danmark, udgivet på dansk eller på anden måde har væsentlig kulturel relevans for Danmark siden 1963. I øjeblikket over 10.000 titler og udgivelsesversioner.
En anden offentlig, kurateret version af dette datasæt er i øjeblikket tilgængelig via Det Danske Filminstitut: https://www.dfi.dk/spildatabasen
Dette datasæt er et igangværende arbejde og er genstand for løbende redigering og vedligeholdelse af Det Kongelige Bibliotek. Hvis du ser noget, der bør ændres, tilføjes eller redigeres i listen, så skriv til os på: spil@kb.dk
Et Kgl. Bibliotek bibliografisk datasæt bl.a. med danske monografier fra ca. 1600-1900 fra september 2023
(2025) Det Kgl. Bibliotek
Datasættet har forskellige muligheder f.eks.:
· Historiske stavemåder:
Hvordan hænger forskellige stavemåder sammen med forskellige historiske perioder? Et eksempel er et ord som reyse, reise eller rejse. De forskellige stavemåder er blevet brugt samtidigt, men i forskelligt omfang.
Med datasættet kan vi undersøge, hvornår vi begyndte at skrive rejse med j.
· Rumlige undersøgelser af udgivelsessteder:
I hvilke byer udgives litteratur? Hvordan hænger det sammen med Danmarks historie og begreber som tab af særskilte landsdele som f.eks. Norge, emigration, kolonier og forskelle mellem centrum og udkant.
Historical spellings:
How do different spellings relate to different historical periods? An example is a word like reyse, reise or rejse. The different spellings have been used simultaneously, but to different extents.
With the dataset we can investigate when we started writing rejse with j.
Spatial studies of places of publication:
In which cities is literature published? How does this relate to the history of Denmark, and concepts such as lost countries, emigration, colonies and differences between center and periphery.
Flora Danica
(1883) Oeder, Georg Christian (03.02.1728-28.01.1791) botaniker
Flora Danica (1883) is a comprehensive botanical work consisting of 3,240 folio-sized, coloured copper-plate engravings of wild plants found primarily in Denmark and neighboring Scandinavian countries. The ambitious illustration project was first proposed by by G. C. Oeder, professor of botany at the Botanic Garden in Copenhagen, in 1753. The work eventually comprised of 51 parts and three supplements, and involved a number of botanists and artists: most prominently Michael Rössler (1705–1777) and his son, Martin Rössler (1727–1782). The publication took 123 years to complete and was first released in 1883. The detailed works have also become renowned for their artistic merit, inspiring a line of 1503 porcelain dinnerware pieces produced by the Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Manufactory.
You can download the complete Flora Danica here:
Index containing plate names, artists, etc. (Index_FloraDanica.xlsx)
Plates 0001-3060 (in .zip batches of 250 plates)
Supplement plates 1-180 (numbered S0001-0180)
Thematic Catalogues of Works by Carl Nielsen, Johann Adolph Scheibe, Niels W. Gade and J.P.E. Hartmann
(2024-06-27) Danish Centre for Music Editing
A collection of Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) metadata describing the works of selected composers. The data were created 2010–2020 by the Danish Centre for Music Editing at the Royal Danish Library and used for the following printed and digital catalogues of works:
Catalogue of Carl Nielsen's Works (CNW), https://www.kb.dk/dcm/cnw.html
Johann Adolph Scheibe. A Catalogue of his Works (SchW), https://www.kb.dk/dcm/schw.html
Niels W. Gade. Thematic-Bibliographic Catalogue of his Works (NWGW), https://www.kb.dk/dcm/nwgw.html
J.P.E. Hartmann. Thematic-Bibliographic Catalogue of his Works (HartW), https://www.kb.dk/dcm/hartw.html
DOD OCR korpus 20240416
(2024-04-16) Det Kgl. Bibiliotek
Advarsel: datasættet er under teknisk udredning, da datasættet er alt for lille. Der arbejdes på et nyt 2024 udtræk.
"DOD OCR korpus 20240416" Datasættet er skabt den 16. april 2024 og inkluderer metadata fra KB’s biblioteks system og OCR udtrukne tekster fra pdf’erne som er uden for ophavsret.